
Friday, November 22, 2013

StorEdge 6180: Battery {0} has expired.

Today a customer called in telling me that one of his batteries for his StorEdge 6180 has expired the lifetime. Since the customer doesn't have any valid support for the storage I deceided to set the lifetime expiration to never. To do this I needed the sscs and service command (package SUNWstkcam, SUNWsefms etc) in my environment. In normal cases these packages are installed to /opt:

Monday, November 18, 2013

Initial Ramdisk

A short howto for using a initial ramdisk (initrd) in Slackware Linux.
A initrd is very handy when you need a special module already during booting and you don't want to recompile the entire kernel. So let's get started directly by creating a simple initrd without any particular modules etc:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

plex in RECOVER state, subdisk in RELOCATE state

After a 'crash' plexes were in RECOVER state and subdisk in RELOCATE state (the customer updated and rebooted his storages online which causes Veritas to fail).
The system was a HP-UX 11.31. The situation was like that: