
Monday, April 29, 2013

Display HBA and WWN in Solaris

First display the available HBA's installed in your system:

# fcinfo hba-port
HBA Port WWN: 2100001b4377092a
        OS Device Name: /dev/cfg/c1
        Manufacturer: QLogic Corp.
        Model: 375-3355-02
        Firmware Version: 05.04.03
        FCode/BIOS Version:  BIOS: 2.02; fcode: 2.01; EFI: 2.00;
        Serial Number: 0402R00-0851658438
        Driver Name: qlc
        Driver Version: 20110321-3.05
        Type: N-port
        State: online
        Supported Speeds: 1Gb 2Gb 4Gb
        Current Speed: 4Gb
        Node WWN: 2000001b4377092a

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

VxHA: set a new monitor timeout

Today I had a customer with a cluster and a Orcale database. The customer called in because his database always shutsdown once a day. At first I took a look at the alert log for the database (SID DB):

# less alert_DB.log
Instance terminated by USER, pid = 15764

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Adding Nagiosgraph to Nagios

This article is an update to my prior released article about installing Nagios in Slackware.
Nagiosgraph allows you to add very nice graphs to your Nagios which is extremely helpful. With these graphs you'll be able to look into the past a little and probably do some trending for the future. You can act before it is too late.
Before you can begin to install Nagiosgraph you need an additional package rrdtool. First create a directory where you can store the sources and change into it: 

Friday, April 5, 2013

ORA-02082: a loopback database link must have a connection qualifier

I have two Oracle databases, one (SID test9) and another (SID test10). I needed to create a database link from test9 to test10 but I always got the following error:

$ sqlplus "sys/password@test9"
SQL> create database link test connect to sys identified by password using 'test10';
create database link test connect to sys identified by password using 'test10'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02082: a loopback database link must have a connection qualifier

Monday, April 1, 2013

Basic Nagios installation

This article is about basic Nagios installation in Slackware. It is not about configure Nagios completely, adding hosts etc. It is just a basic tutorial howto install Nagios from sources.
Before you begin create a directory where you can store the Nagios sources:

# mkdir -p /usr/src/nagios && cd /usr/src/nagios